Friday, November 27, 2009

Valkyrie Project Day 3

G'day all

Welcome to day 3 of the Valkyrie Project I have just fitted in the lights and half of them are wired up. Should have the lights finished soon. Also decided to attach a spot light to the side instead of a bolter tell me what u think?

More coming soon


Monday, November 23, 2009

Valkyrie Project Day 2

G’day All

Well today im going to post some more pics of my Valkyrie project, bloody Australian heat, and a non air-conditioned house, means painting is almost impossible (paint dries to the brush before the u even reach the dam model), so most of the was done in a couple of hours after sunset.

Ive only painted the inside so far, ive gone for the rusty old look, with plenty of mud. There are no lights in the model just yet, but im heading into town tomoro so ill pic up some red led lights.

So here are some pics of the inside. If you would like me to make a more detailed description of how I painted them, just comment and ill do it.


Ive got a couple of questions for any one who’s reading this ,
1. what do u think so far?
2. is there a way to reply to comments (not to good with the hole computer thing)


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Valkyrie Stage 1

G’day all

Well I figured as ive finished uni, time to start on a new project, this one this on a Valkyrie. So here are some pics.

I plan on painting the inside of the model first, then stringing some lights up (I love lights) then painting the outside

The first pic is from starship troopers, and is the look im going for with this one.




Also over the next few days ill put some more pics of my empire army up, so have cya later

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

State Troops

Well here I am, exams done (feeling happy about first year uni). So like I promised here are some of the stuff ive got up to over the past year.

First up we have 10 empire state hand gunners

So enjoy the pics and ill put more up soon


Monday, November 9, 2009

Crikey mate, somebody read this


Bloody hell, to my complete surprise somebody actually read this, (or just looked at the pics) well in that case might as well post some more pics (I know its been over a year but hey).

I will post some of what ive been doing (some more guardsman) and my new empire army after uni exams finish J, so if u happen to come across this and think, “well he’s not going to do anything” within the next to weeks there will be more

Cya then